459 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar hasil perbandingan bahan bakar Pertalite dibandingkan dengan campuran Premium dan Pertamax terhadap performa mesin yang meliputi torsi, daya, tekanan efektif rata-rata dan konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan New Honda Vario 110 FI. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, dengan mesin sepeda motor New Honda Vario 110 FI sebagai obyek penelitian. Dan bahan bakar yang diuji adalah Pertalite dan campuran Premium dengan Pertamax dengan perbandingan 50%-50%, 35%-65% dan 25%-75%. Faktor – faktor yang diobservasi dan diukur yaitu torsi, daya efektif, konsumsi bahan bakar, dan tekanan efektif rata – rata. Dengan pembanding hasil penelitian eksperimen yang dilakukan yaitu variasi putaran mesin 3500 rpm sampai 9000 rpm. Standar pengujian menggunakan metode pengujian performa mesin berdasarkan SAE JI349 yaitu “Engine Power Test Code-Spark Ignition-Net Power Rating”. Bahan bakar premium 50% pertamax 50% memiliki nilai torsi optimal yaitu sebesar 1,46 kgf.m pada putaran 4000 rpm. Bahan bakar Premium 50% Pertamax 50%  memiliki nilai daya optimal yaitu sebesar 8,82 PS pada putaran 5500 rpm. Bahan bakar Premium 50% - Pertamax 50% memiliki nilai konsumsi bahan bakar yang rendah yaitu sebesar 0,025 kg/HP.jam pada putaran 4000 rpm. Bahan bakar Premium 50% Pertamax 50% memiliki nilai tekanan efektif rata-rata optimal sebesar 4,22 kg/cm2 pada putaran 4000 rpm. Bahan bakar yang mempunyai nilai oktan yang tinggi menyebabkan tekanan dan temperatur pembakaran semakin tinggi sehingga energi pembakaran yang dihasilkan juga akan semakin besar. Nilai oktan suatu bahan bakar yang tinggi menyebabkan proses pembakaran lebih sempurna sehingga energi hasil pembakaran dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Nilai oktan dan rasio kompresi tinggi menghasilkan tenaga yang besar pada kendaraan dan konsumsi bahan bakar rendah. Kata Kunci: Studi Komparasi, Bahan Bakar, Performa Mesin   Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out how much Pertalite fuel comparison results compared to the mixture of Premium and Pertamax on engine performance which includes torque, power, average effective pressure and fuel consumption of New Honda Vario 110 FI vehicles. This research type is experiment, with New Honda Vario 110 FI motorcycle engine as research object. And the fuel tested is the Pertalite and Premium mixture with Pertamax with a ratio of 50%-50%, 35%-65% and 25%-75%. The factors observed and measured were torque, effective power, fuel consumption, and average effective pressure. By comparison the results of experimental research conducted variations of engine rotation 3500 rpm to 9000 rpm. Testing standard using machine performance testing method based on SAE JI349 is "Engine Power Test Code-Spark Ignition-Net Power Rating". Fuel on 50% Pertamax 50% premium has an optimum torque value of 1.46 kgf.m at 4000 rpm rotation. Fuel on Premium 50% Pertamax 50% has an optimum power value of 8.82 PS at 5500 rpm. Fuel on Premium 50% Pertamax 50% has a low fuel consumption value of 0.025 kg / HP.jam at 4000 rpm. Fuel on Premium 50% Pertamax 50% has an optimum average effective pressure value of 4.22 kg / cm2 at 4000 rpm rotation. Fuel that has a high octane number causes the pressure and combustion temperature higher so that the combustion energy generated will also be greater. An octane number of a high fuel causes a more complete combustion process so that the combustion energy can be utilized to the fullest. The octane rating and high compression ratio produce great power on the vehicle and low fuel consumption. Keywords: Comparative Study, Fuel, Machine Performance &nbsp

    Hull Inspection Productivity Measurement for a New Shipbuilding Project (Case Study of Bic 11.02 a New Shipbuilding Project)

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    Hull construction process for a new shipbuilding project usualy consist of a set of stages. Starting from material identification, marking, cutting fabrication, assembly and testing. For many shipyard hull inspection activity and hull production stages are joined to simplify production progress monitoring. A 20% credit given for inspection activity. Inspection activities particulary for hull construction which consist of inspection and repair work. Schedule slip of a new shipbuilding is very potencial. This condition is met when man power allocation and work priority are not set properly. Therefore, a clear parameter which conduct with inspection productivity to production manager should be provided. This parameter could help production manager to determine priority of repair work. In this case, differences parameter between production that is using pane measurement and inspection that is using compartement measurement. These two different parameter could make difficulties, particulary when production manager want to know how much progess has been done. A new method to converting the two different parameter has become a topic of this pape

    Evaluasi Penetapan Formulasi Kebijakan Pajak Hiburan dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kota Batu

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    This research aims to know the background of the Batu City Government in making policies entertainment. Tax rate is increasing in the Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2010 and decreased in the tax rate entertainment in Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012 also analyzing the impact of the posed to the entertainment tax revenue in Batu. Another objective of this research is to determine the factors supporting and entertainment in the process of tax collection in Batu. The results of this study are revenues from entertainment tax Batu running optimally with the enactment of the Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012 compared with the Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2010. The researchers also find a discrepancy between the formulation of the Government of Batu City with applicable laws, namely the absence of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and an academic paper in the process of establishing local regulations on entertainment tax. Factors supporting the entertainment tax collection in Batu are the awareness of the taxpayer in paying taxes and a beautiful geographic of Batu. While the factors inhibiting the entertainment tax collection in Batu is presence of actors who commit fraud in the payment of taxes and infrastructure conditions Batu inadequate

    High Speed Ship Total Resistance Calculation (an Empirical Study)

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    High speed design studies became very intense studies. One of the subject that can be explore is obtaining total resistace. A high speed ship has four stages of condition when she operates. Starting from low speed condition until developent of dinamics lift force. These four states that happened on high speed ship when she cuise on her operational speed, make a specific consideration on predicting her total resistance. As high speed ship become more widely built and operate in Indonesia, the study of the state of art of high speed vessel especially for obtaining total resistance has became more challenging In this paper is foccused on proposing an applicative methods for high speed resistance calculation based on savitsky method. Result which obtained form empirical study is compared to numerical software. Result of this study shows that there are no significant differences between empirical method and result form software application. Considering of sea margin would be effective to made the empirical method would be applicable. There is a 128,0812 KN of total resistance using empirical method, by considering sea margine factor, and a 128,512 KN of total resistance resulted form software calculatio

    Administrative System of Inter-City Bus Ticket Booking - Inter-Province (AKAP) in PO. XYZ Ciputat by Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Penulisan Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai sistem adeministrasipemesanan tiket pada PO. XYZ Ciputat yang selama ini prosesnya dilakukansecara manual. Oleh sebab itu penulis membuat sistem administrasi pemesanantiket dengan menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dengan menggunakan bahasapemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Databases dengan menggunakanMicrosoft Access. Mudah-mudahan penulisan ini menjadi alternatif bagiperusahan maupun kepada karyawannya yang mengharapkan semuakegiatannya berjalan dengan efektif, efisien dan terkoordinasi

    Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Konsentrasi Gliserol Terhadap Karakteristik Sensoris, Kimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Getuk Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan berbagai konsentrasi gliserol terhadap sifatsensoris, sifat kimia (aw, kadar air, pH, dan total asam), dan aktivitas antioksidan getuk ubi jalar ungu selama penyimpanan. Padaseluruh analisis digunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu variasi konsentrasi gliserol pada getuk.Konsentrasi gliserol yang ditambahkan sebesar 0%, 3%, 6% dan 9%, sedangkan untuk pengamatan getuk secara kimia dilakukanpada jam ke-0, 8, 16, 24, dan 32, 40 dan 48 untuk mengetahui kualitas mutu getuk dan pada jam ke-0 dilakukan uji organoleptik.Sifat organoleptik meliputi parameter tekstur, kenampakan, aroma, rasa dan overall. Sifat kimia yang diamati meliputi aktivitas air,kadar air, aw, pH, total asam, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada analisis sensoris, panelis dapatmembedakan getuk yang ditambah gliserol pada konsentrasi 0%, 3%, 6%, dan 9%. Kadar air dan aktivitas air (aw) memiliki nilaiyang semakin menurun seiring meningkatnya konsentrasi gliserol yang digunakan, konsentrasi 0% memiliki nilai tertinggi dan padakonsentrasi 9% memiliki nilai terendah. Untuk nilai total asam semakin meningkat seiring lama penyimpanannya, konsentrasi 0%memiliki nilai tertinggi dan pada konsentrasi 9% memiliki nilai terendah. Sedangkan untuk nilai pH terus menurun seiring denganwaktu penyimpananya. Pada analisis aktivitas antioksidan diperoleh hasil bahwa konsentrasi 9% memiliki nilai tertinggi dankonsentrasi 0% memiliki nilai terendah untuk tiap waktu pengujian

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (Ktr) Pada Kawasan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang

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    The Government of Semarang City formed in beginning formed a Mayor Regulation Number 12 Year 2009 about No Smoking Area and restriced smoking area to overcome problem from the negative impact of cigaret, but that regulation is not proceed effective. At Last, goverment of Semarang City issued Local Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 about No Smoking Area (KTR). Based on finding from resercher, is known that the implementation of Local Regulation in Departement of Semarang City is not optimal and still found foul. The purpose of this research is to descripe the implementation of Local Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 about No Smoking Area, and to find out supporting and resistor factor in the implementation. This research is using descriptive qualitative with kualitative approach. Technique of collecting data that used are observation, interview, and documentation study. Based on the research, it can conclude that implementation of No Smoking Area in Departement oh Health of Semarang City has not been implemented optimally, so then, the government has to increase implementation at several point. Supporter factor of KTR implementation in Departement of Health Semarang City are communitacatin and authorizing signature, and Resistor factor are sources and birocration structure, so then need maximing supporter factor and minimizing resistor factor

    Risk Analysis for Ship Converting Project Accomplishment (Case Study of Kri Kp Converting Project)

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    Ship converting has become as prospective activity in ship building area. Operational and economical aspect are the most dominant rationale. Baseon a new fuction of converted ship, a task list which contain several jobs that must be done is listed. This accomplishment schedule not only contain a task list, but also duration for certain job title. In practical apllication job duration is maintained based on experience of project manager. Further more, total accomplish duration is setted as time accomplishment for the project. This setted time has become reference for the project bid. Occasionaly, if accomplishment time which offered is strict, than schedule slip become as potencial nightmare. For this situation, project manager has had a cristal clearconsideration to select a proper decision wheter he will take the tender offer or not. practically, project mananger has layed on his experience to handle previous project and face penalty if the project delayed. This paper focussed on how to measure tender offer based on risk analysis, specially for converted ship tender which has a strike time accomplishment.A new application method to analysis proposed tender based on time and penalty parameter has become a topic of this paper

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Edible Coating Pati Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis) Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Gliserol Sebagai Plasticizer Terhadap Kualitas Jenang Dodol Selama Penyimpanan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan edible coating dari pati sukun (Artocarpus altilis)dengan berbagai variasi gliserol terhadap sifat fisik (tekstur) dan kimia (aw, kadar air, bilangan TBA) jenang dodol selamapenyimpanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu variasi konsentrasi gliserolpada edible coating. Faktor variasi konsentrasi gliserol terdiri dari empat taraf konsentrasi yaitu sebesar 0%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2% dansatu sampel tanpa coating (Kontrol). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh semakin besar konsentrasi gliserol yang ditambahkan teksturjenang dodol semakin keras, nilai tekstur tertinggi adalah sampel Gliserol 2.0% sebesar 29.2020 N dan terendah sampel kontrolsebesar 4.6847 N. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi gliserol yang digunakan maka kadar air sampel jenang dodol yang dikemas semakinbesar. Kadar air tertinggi pada hari terakhir penyimpanan adalah sampel Gliserol 2.0% sebesar 25.5434% dan terkecil adalah sampelKontrol sebesar 22.1255%. Penggunaan kemasan edible dengan berbagai konsentrasi gliserol sebagai plasticizer memberikanperlindungan terhadap aw sampel jenang dodol dengan kisaran aw 0.89-0.91 pada hari terakhir penyimpanan. Semakin tinggikonsentrasi gliserol maka bilangan TBA sampel jenang dodol yang dikemas semakin kecil. Sampel Gliserol 2.0% memberikan nilaiTBA paling kecil sebesar 0.1264 mg malonaldehid/kg bahan dan sampel Kontrol memberikan nilai TBA paling besar sebesar0.4625 mg malonaldehid/kg bahan
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